There are many laws designed to protect consumers against dangerous and defective products. These laws are meant for manufacturers to meet certain basic and minimum safety standards. Further, manufacturers are required to take reasonable precautions in the design and the manufacture of their products to prevent consumers from being injured. Even with these laws in place, there are still thousands of products that are recalled due to associated injuries every year. For toy related injuries alone, approximately 250,100 injuries were treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms in 2009, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Our Boulder product liability lawyers have handled numerous product defect cases and had great success in compensating victims for their injuries resulting from these products. If you or a loved one was harmed by a defective or dangerous product, call our product liability attorneys at 720-545-2689 today for a free consultation.
A few notable defective product cases are listed below:
Defective Seat Belt Case
A family was traveling in their Ford Astrovan when they were struck by a drunk driver that veered into their lane. The father, who was driving, did everything possible to maintain control of the van, but it began to fishtail violently and eventually rolled over several times. Although the driver was wearing his seat belt, he became partially dislodged from his seat, causing his upper body to partially come out of the driver’s side window during the rollover, killing him.
Our product liability attorney successfully argued that the seat belt failed to work properly and the minivan was unstable, having a high propensity for rolling over due to its narrowness compared with its high center of gravity. The case was settled just prior to trial for several million dollars on behalf of the two survivors of the accident.
Humidifier Case
When a Boulder, Colorado family decided to buy a humidifier for their 3 year old daughter, they went to a local hardware store with helpful and knowledgeable staff. They were convinced to purchase a humidifier with a heating element so their daughter could enjoy warm, moist air in her room. One night, their daughter got out of bed and, unable to see, knocked over the humidifier. Her parents heard the screaming and immediately ran into her room to find her arm burned from the steaming hot water in the humidifier.
Our defective product lawyer was able to show that the water was heated to an unnecessarily high temperature, causing burns that required a skin graft and left significant scarring. The case was resolved successfully, and the little girl is healing well.
Woodchipper Cases
Wood chippers are extremely dangerous machines. As an associate, our product liability attorney Mr. Erben second chaired his first trial in a case where a city worker lost his arm when it was unexpectedly caught in a wood chipper and chipped off a quarter inch at a time. The jury returned a verdict of over $8 million, which was the highest verdict in the nation at the time for the loss of a limb. Since then, Mr. Erben has successfully concluded approximately 20 more cases as a wood chipper attorney.
If you have suffered or a family member has died due to what you believe is a product defect – even if your case has been rejected by other attorneys, please contact us for help. You may have a valid claim against the manufacturer or product designer. Evidence may be lost or destroyed with the passage of time and can significantly affect your case and recovery, so contact Zinda Law Group immediately . We are here to answer any questions you may have, protect your rights, and help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Contact Zinda Law Group for a free consultation– 720-545-2689
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationNeil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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